Monday, January 21, 2008

New Media Technology Training Workshop Online Radio Broadcasting

Opportunity to Participate in New Media Technology Training Workshop Online Radio Broadcasting

Training Workshop PSA willrespond ONLY to selected applicants by 22 February 2008.

Panos South Asia (PSA) is a part of a family of Panos Instituteworldwide that encourages and facilitates public discourse on a widerange of issues, particularly those that have a direct impact on theleast privileged and most marginalized sections of society. Panosworks through media to bring neglected subjects to the fore indevelopmental debate, so as to give a platform for voices andperspectives, which are often rendered voiceless in the public sphere.

In this endeavour, besides other activities, Panos facilitates thecapacity building of media and other communication practitioners touse new media technologies to raise marginalized voices andperspectives in development. The Internet as a 'new media' has becomea major arena for traditional broadcast media. Internet based radio isproving an attractive field for traditional electronic broadcasters.Despite bandwidth limitations in South Asia, the Internet alreadyenables radio stations and other communication practitioners todistribute their radio programmes in broadcast quality beyond theirimmediate geographic confines.

Panos South Asia ( is organising a 5-day SouthAsian regional 'Online Radio Broadcasting Training Workshop' for mediaand other communication practitioners in South Asia, from 17-21 March2008 at its Media Centre in Kathmandu, Nepal.

The workshop aims to provide know-how on the potential the Internetoffers to radio and point them to ways of incorporating it in theirrespective media outlets' strategy. Based on hands-on training indigital technologies, the workshop curriculum will cover the issues ofdistributing material online and the techniques of streaming contentto global audiences. Trainees will become acquainted with the latestreal-time on-line broadcasting technologies, as well as with thefundamentals of digitisation of multimedia input, encoding,compression standards and online audio streaming.

Broadcasters, radio producers/reporters, editors, web masters, webeditors, bloggers, pod-casters and other communication practitioners,especially, but not necessarily associated with radio media from SouthAsian countries wishing to attend this training workshop may apply by15 February 2008 by e-mail

PSA will cover all related costs ofparticipation, including travel, for selected participants from theregion. Your application should contain a brief resume and less than300 word write-up stating your experience on 'new media'. Alos, how byparticipating in this workshop it will enable you or your organizationto enhance your work to give a platform for voices and perspectiveswhich are often rendered voiceless in the public sphere. PSA willrespond ONLY to selected applicants by 22 February 2008. Telephone andother solicitations shall not be entertained.