Thursday, January 12, 2006

Ardic DX Club and Dxers Guide say thanks to RCI

Here our Ardic DX Club and Dxers Guide say thanks to RCI : The Maple Leaf Mailbag for add my Dxing photos in their site. The link is

Note: an introduction in tha site by Ian Jones.


Hi this is Ian Jones, the host of the Maple Leaf Mailbag and welcome to a brand new feature on the MLMB website. Every week we receive hundreds of pictures and postcards, letters, drawings, stamps and other paraphernalia from around the world !! We love getting these treasures and thought it would be a great idea to share them all with you! Inside the MLMB Scrapbook you'll discover more about the people who listen to RCI's programs, who they are, what they look like and what's it's like in their part of the world. So if you'd like to send me something you can either by e-mail to or by regular mail to the following address:

Maple Leaf Mailbag
Radio Canada International
P.O.Box 6000
Montreal, CANADA
H3C 3A8

If you want to add your photo, please send it to the above address.
